Vomat Filtration - Key Features & Cost Savings for Grinders

There are many ways your coolant filtration can contribute to high levels of productivity, tool quality and, ultimately, reducing costs. Vomat’s microfiltration units are perfectly designed to do just that for grinding processes - here are some of the key features of Vomat units which contribute to lower running costs:


£ Saves production space - The compact design and much smaller size than comparable systems means VOMAT units take up much less floorspace.

£ Sludge Recycling - Integrated fully- automatic recycling process, depositing sludge (less than 5% oil content) into a drum ready to be sold.

£ Reduced downtime and maintenance - Vomat systems are PLC controlled and can be combined with a service contract for remote monitoring which means potential issues can be detected and resolved at an early stage.

£ Reduced coolant spend - Oil is filtered to the highest purity (Class 7 NAS) down to a particle size of 3-5 microns, giving consistent quality and extending coolant life. (We have customers who have been using the same fluid for nearly 20 years now thanks to good filtration!).

£ Reduced Grinding Wheel Spend & Maintenance - Well filtered coolant means the grinding wheel is subject to less wear and tear so lasts much longer and less machine downtime is needed for wheel changes and adjustments.

£ Best possible repeatable precision reduces scrappage rates - Vomat units offer highly accurate coolant temperature control, maintained at ± 0.1 K, even as grinding speeds increase, to facilitate the highest possible accuracy.

£ Reduced energy and coolant costs - Vomat units come with built-in self regulated energy efficiency. The full-flow (non-bypass) method automatically adapts to changing production volumes, grinding speeds and operational machines.

£ Reduced Consumable Spend - Automatic on-demand backflushing and filter cartridge cleaning with 100% separation of clean and dirty oil, with minimises drag-out.

10 Year Anniversary Offer

To celebrate 10 years in partnership with Vomat GmbH, oelheld UK is offering exclusive anniversary packages for all FA120 and FA240 systems in 2021.

As Vomat's official UK partner we are uniquely positioned to offer:

  • Guaranteed best prices

  • Discounted oil prices

  • Approved installation

  • 1 year remote monitoring

  • 12 month extended warranty

Click here for more information

So if you're considering a new system, expanding an existing setup, or simply want to talk through some options please get in touch to discuss your requirements.

Amy Broady